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Writer's pictureLayla Remmert

Your Conscious, Subconscious, and Higher Self

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

We probably all understand was what our conscious choices are. These are things that we 'consciously' think about and do. We consciously decide to call our mother, walk the dog, or buy those hot new shoes we've been consciously thinking about and wanting. We make conscious decisions to go to college, or drop out of college. I would also like to add that it is our conscious mind that often gets in the way of meditation when we are trying to clear our mind from thought or simply relax and let go. So in many ways, I would argue that being able to develop "conscious control"of our minds is the key to further developing our intuitive skills, gaining greater awareness, and essentially "getting out of our own way"or overcoming obstacles in our emotional and mental life.

But what about our Subconscious self? And that highly elusive Higher Self that we are supposed to tap into to gain Enlightenment? We hear these terms being thrown about in the spiritual community, but we don't always fully, or 'consciously' if you will, understand what they mean, how they function, and how we can master them, and that is what I'd like to discuss in this blog.

Let's start with our subconscious. Essentially, our subconscious is the part of our mind that controls thoughts and actions that we don't have to "consciously Think about." These are our muscle memory items, and it is the part of the mind that regulates the systems of our bodies. For example, we don't tell our heart to beat or our lungs to breathe. Subconscious also extends to actions in our lives that we just do without giving any thought... driving our car, walking, maybe even trudging into the kitchen in the morning for that first cup of coffee.. those hard-wired, ingrained daily habits. That's why repetition - and consistency - is extremely important when breaking habits or creating new ones. Finally, many believe that every physical ailment we have is essentially a message from our subsciousness, because it knows everything that is going on in our body. If we ignore these subconsious messages, that may manifest as a headache, an ache, even a feeling in our gut/solar plexus, then eventually we end up with disease, illness, or other maladies.

In the Soul Realignment modality, we include the element of using the subconscious in our clearing work as we repeat clearing mantras aloud for 21 days in a row, which essentially adds the element of our subconscious by creating habit and repetition, and integrates into our conscious desire to heal, which is the reading aloud part.

Let's talk about our Higher Self now. What is our Higher Self? The Higher Self is your Soul self. It is the timeless, infinite part of you. Some people call it your "Christ Consciousness"or "Oversoul" and this is also Carl Jung's "Collective Unsconcious.." these are all names for the same thing which is your Higher Self.

Our Higher Self has a broader and more encompassing perspective on our life events and can view our situations through a lens of Divine Truth, which can encompass lifetimes, higher dimensions, and aspects of time and space. We can also connect with our Spirit Guides through our Higher Self, and draw upon their wisdom, insight and assistance. We are constantly connected to our Higher Self, whether we realize it or not, and we are not separate from it; rather, it is simply a "higher aspect" of our whole self.'

How does intentional connection with our Higher Self help us create more abundance in our life? Well, I'm glad you asked ;). Connecting with this higher, wise, infinite part of our selves puts us in a position of Divine Wisdom, and Divine Power, as well as Divine Truth, which are the energies from where the answers from our Higher Self come. Through our intuition, which is how we generally access our Higher Self SUBconsciously, we are able to access our own Divine nature.

Now, let's put this all together. Typically, our subconscious mind is more connected to our Higher Self than our conscious mind. This is in part because our conscious mind is generally so busy and cluttered that it's not directly connected to our Higher Self. Thus, the subconscious is more susceptible and 'impressionable' to connection to our Higher Self. We feel this through our gut, or our solar plexus chakra, and also in the dream state.

The good news is that we CAN teach ourselves to become more consciously and intentionally connected to our Higher Self. It takes work and practice, but we all can do it. There are many ways we can tune in, by engaging intention and a little help from our subconscious mind as well.

If you are looking for resources, send me a message and I can provide some exercises and other resources for you. Namaste.

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