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Writer's pictureLayla Remmert

The Importance of Grounding

We hear a lot about acsending in the new age community, about evolving, and about awakening and opening our third eye, and other 'higher' chakras such as our crown. And while opening all of our chakras is indeed important so that we can have our energy centers open and be in flow mode, we often forget the transmutation and transformative powers of grounding with Mother Earth. Mother Earth also benefits from us merging our energies with her, and also, maybe most importantly, can hold and cradle us, and remind us that we are safe on the Earth.

Grounding is a wonderful and simple meditative practice that you can use any time of the day. Grounding also doesn’t take a 30-minute commitment and can be done in the morning and before bed. You can use often for a number of reasons and situations, while also being a wonderful and quick daily energy cleansing practice.

Grounding connects us to the core of the Earth’s loving energy and out into the Divine Source of the of the Universe. To prepare for the grounding exercise, I recommend being barefoot, and either standing on the Earth outside, or on a floor with your barefeet. If you choose to sit, ensure both feet are on the floor and your spine is straight.

I've included two grounding exercises below.


Start by slowly inhaling from your root chakra to your crown chakra, for a count of 8, holding your breath for 4 counts, and then slowly exhaling your breath back down from crown to root for 8 counts. Do this breathing exercise at least three times total.

(NOTE: You can read this and then practice it or record yourself saying it and then do the practice while listening to your own voice, and just use this below until you are comfortable doing the meditation on your own, whichever works best for you.)

1. Stand or sit with your hands in prayer position, with your spine straight. If seated, make sure your feet touch the floor.

2. Gently close your eyes and imagine a brilliant light above your head (whatever image works best for you, I like to imagine the sun but make it work for you… some people may prefer to visualize a waterfall, for example). This light is the Universe’s Divine Energy source. It naturally expands into a shower or light down into your head through your crown chakra, and then down into your neck, shoulders, arms, and hands, and then flows into your heart. Allow it to absorb and clear any non-beneficial or lower vibrational energy as it is travelling throughout your body.

3. Spend time enjoying this beautiful feeling of this Divine Light in your heart.

4. Now imagine a brilliant light below your feet; this light is the Earth’s Core Loving Energy. This light naturally expands up from the earth into your feet, calves, thighs, pelvis, abdomen and then flows into your heart.

5. These loving energies blend together in your heart connecting the Universe’s Divine Source through you to the Earth’s Core.

6. This light overflows your physical body out into your subtle bodies and auric energy field, filling you with an immense sense of peace, calm, and connection

7. Graciously ask the light to clear all non-beneficial energy and lower vibrations from your physical body and subtle body/energies. (Sometimes I do this in a slow, absorbing bathing manner, and sometimes it is a powerful burst of energy that explodes out). You can also visual transmuting the non-beneficial energy back into the light or down your feet to be released back into the Earth.

8. You can also allow the energy, which has absorbed any non-beneficial or lower vibration energy, to flow out of your body through the soles of your feet and be transmuted back into the earth into in Mother Earth’s healing arms.

9. Allow yourself to bathe in this powerful loving light.

10. When ready, thank the Universe and Mother Earth for their loving blessings.

11. Gently come back into the room.


Start with some breathing exercises as stated in the grounding meditation below. Take time to find a sacred space. A sacred space can be a room in your house, a section of a room in your house, outside, etc. I like to light a white candle to invite Spirit into the room (your higher self, your spirit guide team, etc.).

1. Move your deep breathing to the center of your root chakra in your perennial area at the base of your spine. Breathe in and out of the area.

2. As you breathe in and out of your root chakra, imagine that it begins to glow. It can glow red like the traditional color of the root chakra, or it can be bright green, or brown like tree roots. The importance here is that is glows as you slowly and deeply let this energy center breathe and amplify its power.

3. Now let the glowing ball of light at your root chakra, slowly as you continue deep breaths, grow roots. These roots travel and grow down your legs as you breathe, your thighs, knees, calves, ankles, and feet, finally growing through the bottoms of your feet.

4. Let these roots continue to grow and glow, deeper and deeper, brighter and bigger, slowly travelling down toward the center and core of the earth, communing with Mother Earth.

5. Once you feel you have reached a very deep level at the core of the earth, let the root take shape of a huge glowing ball and

6. Very slowly, travel back up into the bottoms of your feet.

7. Slowly, this huge, glowing, powerful ball of light makes it way now back Up through your body, back through your root chakra (as least one or two full breaths here)

8. Your sacral; (at least one full breath

9. Your heart (at least one full breath

10. Your throat (at least one full breath)

11. Your forehead (at least one full slow, deep breath)

12. And finally, out of the crown/top of your head.

This energy should now feel like a huge white waterfall of light emitting from your crown chakra. This is your energy, communing with both mother earth and the divine source. You are a beautiful and powerful being of light connected with this energy.

When you are ready, open your eyes and come back into the room.

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