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Writer's pictureLayla Remmert

Our Chakra System

Many of us are a least somewhat familiar with our chakra system from doing yoga, but I wanted to provide some additional information about our chakras, as one of the main purposes of Reiki is to align our individual chakras as well as our entire chakra system.

So - what are our chakras?

Chakras are the spinning wheels of energy centers that are located in various, designated areas of our body, along our spinal column. Our chakras carry a magnificent responsibility to emanate energy to keep our mind and organs functioning at an optimal level. So, energizing, aligning, clearing and cleansing them with Reiki, will not only heal but also will open your doorways to peace, serenity and mindfulness.

In a world that is often full of stress and negativity, our chakras get blocked when they come in contact with negative influences. A “block” is a place where your energies are confined, restricted, stuck or forbidden to flow freely. If the energy cannot flow freely, that is a major source for any type of illness and mental diseases.

Reiki helps you to declutter those blocks and get the energy flowing. When the energies flow freely, it helps your body to create harmony within and it releases imbalances created by negative influences.

No Chakra works efficiently irrespective of the others, they are all part of the whole. Each Chakra works efficiently only when other Chakras are fully aligned and engaged with the energy system.

So - what are our chakras called, where are they located, and what are their individual functions?

While we technically have more than 7 chakras, there are 7 major chakras that are represented by physical areas of our body.

Our Life Force Energy, also referred to as Universal Life Energy, or Source energy, enters our energetic field and our bodies through the Crown chakra at the top of our head, like an upright funnel or cone, with the large part of the funnel facing up to receive energy. The wheels of the Brow/Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, and Sacral chakras receive energy at the front of our body, and release energy at the back of our body. We then take in these energies at the Root chakra from all of the other chakras, as well as our environment, and then we release energy from the bottom of the root chakra, down our legs, and through the bottoms of our feet, like a upside down funnel or cone, with the large part of the funnel facing down, so that we can release and GROUND energy, back into the Earth.

And they are:

1. Root - the root chakra is located at the base of the spine, at the tip of your pelvic bone, or at the area in the body between your genitals and anus. The root chakra represents the divine energy of Compassion and community. It provides the foundation on which we build our life, representing safety, security, and stability. An imbalanced root chakra causes feeling of disconnection with family/society/tribe, and energies such as fight/flight fear and anxiety.

2. Sacral - the sacral chakra is located just below the belly button or navel. The sacral chakra represents creative and sexual energies. The sacral chakra represents the divine energies of Creation and Manifestation. An imbalanced sacral chakra can manifest as lack or or repressed creativity, sexual dysfunction (either over or under active sex drive), withheld intimacy, and emotional isolation.

3. Solar Plexus - the solar plexus chakra is located in between the chest and belly button or navel. The solar plexus chakra represents the divine energy of Order. It represents self-esteem, pleasure, will-power, and personal responsibility; how you make order out of chaos, essentially. An imbalanced solar plexus can manifest as low self-esteem,

control issues, manipulative tendencies and behavior, and either feeling of having no power or a misuse of power, depending if the solar plexus is over or under active.

4. Heart - the heart chakra is located in the center of the chest; your heart. The heart chakra represents the divine energy of Love. It represents self love and love for others and governs our relationships. An imbalanced chakra can manifest as depression, difficulty in relationships, and lack of self-discipline as self-sabotage, which is ultimately fueled back lack of self-love.

5. Throat - the throat chakra is located in the center of the neck. The throat chakra represents the divine energy of Communication. It represents the ability to speak, listen, and communicate clearly and effectively; to speak our truth. An imbalanced throat chakra can manifest as shyness and being withdrawn if underactive, and speaking but saying nothing, mindless chatter, arrogance and anxiety if overactive.

6. Third Eye/Brow - the third eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead, in between the eyebrows, and represents the pituitary gland, which largely control our body's endocrine system. The third eye chakra represents the divine energy of Truth. It represents intuition (and works with the 'gut' or solar plexus in getting intuitive messages), foresight, and is driven by openness and imagination. An imbalanced third eye chakra can manifest as lack of direction and lack of clarity, and not understanding our own inner truths/awareness.

7. Crown - the crown chakra is located at the top of the head., The crown chakra represents the divine energy of Power. It represents states of higher consciousness and feelings of connection not just with others, but with the universe as a whole. An imbalanced crown chakra can manifest as cynicism, disregarding what is sacred, closed-mindedness, and disconnection with spirit.

Having all the parts in our self, the mind, the body, and the spirit, in alignment is the true meaning of the path of least resistance. When you get in align with that flow, you can begin to experience love, joy, clarity again in your life. It is a state of general wellbeing and peace. In balance, we are functioning at the most optimal level. Being at the most optimal level also strengthens your immune system, creates more energy, possibility, and inspiration in your life, and can better connect you with your intuition, allowing your inner self to more effectively manage your outer self, which ultimately can create the life we are all truly yearning for.

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